Thousands years of history has given continuous evolution of the martial arts. The central goal of fighters has always been to find viable solutions for developing useful abilities to win in combat.
True fighters have studied the human potential in all its characteristics. They have developed different systems to enhance their strength to defeat their enemies and protect themselves and loved ones.
Traditionally, martial systems did not create any restrictions. Everything that could be effective was included in the training and in the strategies to be applied.

Master Mauro Antonino D'Angelo, is the fourth generation of the "System of Great Realization" (Da Cheng Quan). The practitioners of this system for generations have been committing themselves to collecting the most effective techniques and methods to form strong fighters and respectful of traditional ethics. Today, Decode, through this course, continues to spread the original spirit of the martial arts practitioners of the past.

Course Objectives:

  • Develop real fighting skills
  • Overcome the fear of physical and psychological confrontation
  • Learn combat techniques and strategies
  • Acquire self-control and decisional clarity
  • Understand the principles of self-defense
  • Find the best techniques and approach for each practitioner

Lessons are divided by different levels. The teaching is adapted on each practitioner for them to best improve. There are no age limits. The only thing necessary is the desire to develop a real martial spirit.

The curriculum includes:

  • Striking techniques (Kicks and punches)
  • Joint levers and projections
  • Punching bag and striking training
  • Self-defense techniques
  • Combat strategies
  • Psychology applied to combat
  • Traditional fighting and sport combat