Today's study of traditional weapons has taken on a value even more important than their military application: to fortify the mind and body.
In the past, the study of weapons preceded hand-to-hand combat. Almost all of the martial arts that have spread throughout the world today began as armed systems. For historical and sociological reasons, movements with weapons were repurposed for application in unarmed combat.
This course provides an opportunity for enthusiasts of the Eastern martial world to relive a unique experience. It is a way to understand the world of warriors of the past and use some powerful tools for personal growth.
Although traditional weapons are often considered obsolete tools today, they are handy for learning in the context of self-defense. The specific physical preparation and the use of weapons are also a way to build a healthy and strong body with the advantage of studying movements useful for other purposes.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn how to handle traditional weapons (As tools for training and self-defense)
  • Increase coordination skills
  • Fortify the body and increase mobility
  • Improve ability to handle bare-knuckle combat
  • Use military strategies as a key to problem-solving
  • Understand the cultural and philosophical aspects of traditional weapons

The core curriculum includes the study of 3 weapons and enhancement tools.

Basic Program of Study:

  • Longstaff/Lance
  • Two-handed Sword
  • Double Knives
  • Wooden Dummy
  • Sack Form
  • Tools for physical strengthening (Shi Suo)
(Each part of the program includes pairs and individual exercises)